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How nature and buildings come together? Oasia Downtown example

[fa icon="calendar"] 14/09/17 13:12 / by Niko Siltanen

Niko Siltanen

I wrote a text about top five architecture trends for 2017 in the end of 2016. One of the main trends was ”nature”. A great example how buildings and nature can come together is the WOHA-designed Oasia Downtown mixed-use office and hotel tower. It is becoming greener every day. This text will explain the story and idea behind the building.



Different layers of plants and openness

WOHA said the Oasia’s living wall serves as an aesthetic and functional buffer between the surrounding cityscape and the building, creating a layer of shade, absorbing heat, and providing cover. 21 varieties of plants were ultimately used on the project to adapt to various environmental solar conditions responsive to light and shade. “Some produce colorful flowers that will attract birds and insects at different times of the year. The facade is also extended down to the ground, creating possibilities for small animals (such as squirrels) to climb up the building and use it as a vertical habitat.” Together with 33 different species of trees and shrubs on the sky terraces, there is a total of 54 species within this building that attract biodiversity and support ecosystems. This variety also provides natural resilience against disease and bugs, ensuring a healthier long-term system.

The architects said the programming of the tower is analogous to a club sandwich, a stacked typology where distinct floors of offices and hotel rooms are sandwiched between elevated “sky gardens.” Rather than relying on external views of the surrounding city, the tower reorients views inward to a series of vertical urban-scaled terraces. This openness also allows the wind to pass through the building for improved cross-ventilation. In this way, the public areas become functional, comfortable tropical spaces with greenery, natural light, and fresh air instead of enclosed, internalized air conditioned spaces.

The building’s structure is constructed of a reinforced concrete frame wrapped in a three-layer building envelope assembly: an internal curtain wall, prefabricated fiberglass planters set on an integrated reinforced concrete ledge, and an expanded aluminum mesh that serves as a base for the greenery. Planters tap into an automatic irrigation system and are positioned within easy on every floor of the tower. This architecture provides simple, low-tech maintenance avoiding the need for costly specialized care.

The Oasia hotel stands out from the surroundings with the plantations. Photo: City-Reader


Amazing green plot ratios from living wall systems

Living wall systems are not a new concept for WOHA, which has previously integrated a system onto a 36-story residential development called Newton Suites in 2007 and School of the Arts in 2010, with green plot ratios of 130 percent and 140 percent respectively. Green plot ratios measure the area of vegetation with respect to site area. In comparison to these projects, Oasia Downtown has achieved an 1100 percent green plot ratio, thanks for the extensive use of landscaping as an architectural surface treatment, both internally and externally throughout the building.

The architects say the tower ultimately performs as a tropical, urbanistically sensitive and humanistic addition to the city. “We are interested in how green, vegetated facades and sky gardens can transform not just a building, but an entire neighborhood by creating visual relief while achieving psychological, as well as environmental benefits.”


Oasia_Hotel_BMU_System.jpg Oasia_Hotel_Monorail_System.jpg
 A BMU-crane on the rooftop
Photo: K. Kopter
Monorail system in the "hole" of the building 
Photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall

Even the best ideas need regular maintenance

As said, this architecture provides simple, low-tech maintenance avoiding the need for costly specialized care. However as seen the pictures above there are different types of building maintenance units provided to the building. On the roof top there is a CoxGomyl roof car traversing on a round track. With this system maintaining the exterior facades and making sure the plants are in good conditions is made efficient and easy. In the various “holes” in the building there are Rostek monorail systems installed to the soffit. With the monorail systems, there is no need for scaffolding or ladders to maintain these views.

Are you designing or building extraordinary buildings and looking for a suitable building maintenance system? Get in touch with us and together we can find the best solution for you.

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Topics: Trends, Not just access systems

Niko Siltanen

Written by Niko Siltanen

Niko Siltanen is in charge of the Marketing of Rostek. At the same time Niko is involved in everything from Sales to Production. His main goal is to modernize Rostek and the whole industry.